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Acquapazza Gourmet, a small artisan company, was founded in the village of Cetara by five friends sharing a common passion: seafood and their village traditions. As a matter of fact, the tiny village of Cetara in the Amalfi coast has a century-long tradition of processing anchovy and tuna, which have always provided the main source of livelihood in the village. Fish and fish processing have always impacted, back then just like now, every aspect of life in the village. The main product of the tiny village of Cetara is undoubtedly the famous colatura di alici, the anchovy sauce.

Every product of Acquapazza Gourmet celebrates the flavour of fish of the gulf of Salerno. Fish is prepared according to the most authentic traditions of Cetara, creating small products with a huge value and heritage. Cetara, which is proud of the role in the fish processing industry that the village has played for centuries now, was even declared by UNESCO a Heritage of Humanity thanks to its beauty and landscape.

The colatura di alici is a precious anchovy essence that Acquapazza Gourmet produces in limited quantities according to ancient methods belonging to local tradition. This artisan company strictly follows the key principles regulating the production of this precious liquid: every anchovy must be fished exclusively in the Gulf of Salerno. the products age in chestnut barrels and aging periods must always be respected. Only by combining passion, tradition and patience can one obtain the best colatura from local anchovies.
We have also selected, among all the other excellent products, the incredible anchovy fillets. Packed in salt as tradition dictates, they are tasty and fleshy, perfect to eat au naturel or as an ingredient for gourmet recipes.