PGI Pachino cherry tomato sauce - 660ml

PGI Pachino cherry tomato sauce - 660ml

This ready-to-use sauce by Campisi made with PGI Pachino tomatoes is truly special. This sauce contains 98% cherry tomatoes, cultivated on the sun-kissed Sicilian fields; the remaining part is made of onion, Sicilian olive oil, salt and basil. It is a genuine, tasty and scented sauce, ideal for pasta or pizza!Campisi tomato preserves are handmade with fresh tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes typically grow in grape-like clusters and have tiny, round, sweet and flavourful fruits, perfectly enhanced by this ready-to-use sauce.

Spicy tomato passata (strained tomato puree) – 300

The farm Pian di Reggi is located in a small paradise on earth. We are in the heart of Casentino, 500 meters above sea level, surrounded by woods, hills and natural springs. Agro-biodiversity is the watchword for these crops, which are born from organic seeds and are cured by hand. And this is exactly how the best, healthy, genuine and rich in taste tomatoes are born. The ripe tomatoes are processed with wisdom and ingredients of the highest quality in order to produce this spicy but not dramatically peppery passata. You can of course taste the chili pepper, but it doesn’t cover the tomato’s wholesome and full-bodied flavour. This sauce is perfect on pasta, bruschettas, but also paired with meat or fish second courses. Delicious and convenient as well, all it takes it to open the jar, heat slightly and season! The farm Pian di Reggi cultivates and works fruits and vegetables in the utmost respect of the territory. The quality of these products is really exceptional: the harvest takes place at the exact moment of ripeness and for the processing of the products dyes, preservatives, thickening agents or chemical additives are off limits. Even a bite is enough to fall in love with these products, which hold all the taste of nature.
Spicy tomato passata (strained tomato puree) – 300

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