The Basilicata region, once called Lucania, has a rich culinary tradition. The cuisine of Basilicata, which revolves around traditional ingredients and genuine products, is characterised by dishes with an unmistakable flavour. Moreover, unique plant varieties are cultivated in this region, such as the Crusco bell pepper, which make these dishes all the more exceptional and special.

The Parco Verde farm produces and sells typical foods from Basilicata, in full respect of ancient traditions. This company is located in Grumento Nova, in the province of Potenza, in the Appenino Lucano - Val d’Agri - Lagonegrese National Park. This national park, which comprises a beautiful park with a lake as well as mountains, is located 600 metres above sea level. Its location plunged in nature allows the company to make genuine products reflecting traditions as well as local daily life.

The Parco Verde’s product selection is very varied. The company is specialised in the production of fine and flavourful cheeses, such as Caciocavallo Podolico, a refined cheese made only from the milk of Podolica breed cows; PDO Caciocavallo Silano cheese, one of the oldest cheeses in Southern Italy and last but not least, Canestrato di Moliterno, a cheese with a slightly spicy flavour, which is exceptional both as fresh and aged. Parco Verde also makes cured meats, such as a genuine Soppressata cold cut made according to tradition, and Pezzente della Montagna Materana, a salami with a spice scent, belonging to the Slow Food Presidium. 

Traditional cultivation methods, as well as the climate and the compliance with product specifications, result in incredibly exquisite products. The Tondino bianco bean variety is an actual little gem, because it is easy to cook and has a delicate flavour. Parco Verde also cultivates Indian peas, one of the most ancient foods in the world, and black chickpeas, a chickpea variety cultivated in the South. Finally, let’s not forget other delicacies produced by the Parco Verde farm: Mischiglio pasta, an ancient variety made from barley, broad bean, chickpea flour and durum wheat semolina, and Peperoni cruschi, a deliciously crunchy bell pepper snack.

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