The farm Pian di Reggi stems from the passion of Rita, the company’s owner, for nature and its fruits. Rita decided one day to live in harmony with nature and moved to Casentino, the ideal natural environment to make her dream of a sustainable, organic agriculture come true. The company is located in Pian di Reggi, a wide wooded area at 500m above sea level, surrounded by hills, woods and natural sources – a true heaven on earth. At the beginning, she only owned a vegetable garden, to which she then added an orchard and so on and so forth: nowadays, the company owns a 37-acre plot of land which is cultivated according to agrobiodiversity and biodynamic agriculture principles. The organic farm Pian di Reggi obtained in 1994 the ICEA organic certification.


Rita likes to use local and very rare fruit and vegetable varieties, thus saving them from extinction. Seeds are always organic and plants are tended to manually, without using any harmful, chemical products. Harvesting takes place only at peak ripeness, according to seasonality and exclusively by hand. Soil fertility is maintained thanks to green manure tilling and crop rotation; this implies a reduction in yield but, at the same time, a very high quality


Pian di Reggi company also owns a lab, where fruits and vegetables are processed into soups, jars, vegetables packed in oil and sauces. No thickeners, colouring agents, preservatives or flavour enhancers are added to their jars which are only packed with genuine produce and its unaltered nutrients. The company deeply respects nature and its fruits, which they tend to every day with love and passion.